Sunday, December 27, 2009

Movie Reviews: Avatar

First off, I just want to say, I loved this movie. If you want to see it, then I recommend doing this in the theater and seeing the 3d version. Truly amazing graphics. Some people whine and cry, "wah wah wah to much CGI." If that is you, then don't go see this. Pony up the extra few bucks, and see the 3d, you won't regret it.

A few people think I love every movie I go to see at the theater. This is not true. I've seen movies so awful I can't even remember the names. So I will try to goto a little bit of detail to explain why.

After Jake first enters the avatar world, you are throw into a weird world that doesn't make much sense. After his first avatar encounter and he is saved, you are in awe at how beautiful this world is. The 3D really helps here and leaves you awestruck at the beauty and awesomeness. From this moment on you think, this is going to be acid trip for my eyes. And it is. As Jake comes to understand this weird world, so do you. As predicted you might just find yourself switching sides of avatar vs sky people.

In the back of my mind though, I couldn't help but feeling that Al Gore was standing over a writer saying " yeah yeah put this in here!"

Anyways, don't take my word for it. Rush to your local theater and demand to see it, and sit down with a wheel barrow full of popcorn while trying to figure out this awesome movie. Let me know what you think.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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